Watchlist is a feature that makes it easier to check for updates to your favorite series.
You can check the novel watch list from "here" and the manga watch list from "here".
How to use your Watchlist
Mobile version
By tapping the "Add to Watchlist" button from the series details page you can add a series to your Watchlist.
STap on the 三 icon in the top left corner of the screen and tap on Following to check the series in your Watchlist.
When you tap the novel tab and select the "Latest on Watchlist" tab, the series you have added to your Watchlist will be displayed from the most recently updated.
Desktop version
By clicking the "Add to Watchlist" button from the series details page you can add a series to your Watchlist.
When you click on the novel tab and select "Works on Watchlist", the series you have added to your Watchlist will be displayed from the most recently updated.
When you click on the novel tab and select "Works on Watchlist", the series you have added to your Watchlist will be displayed from the most recently updated.
Mobile version
By tapping the "Add to Watchlist" button from the series details page you can add a series to your Watchlist.
Tap on the 三 icon in the top left corner of the screen and tap on Following to check the series in your Watchlist.
When you tap the manga tab and select the "Latest on Watchlist" tab, the series you have added to your Watchlist will be displayed from the most recently updated.
Desktop version
By clicking the "Add to Watchlist" button from the series details page you can add a series to your Watchlist.
Click on the 三 icon in the top left corner of the page and click on Latest by Followed to check the series in your Watchlist.
When you click on the manga tab and select "Works on Watchlist", the series you have added to your Watchlist will be displayed from the most recently updated.