"Items Requiring Revision" are items, including images and data, which are prohibited under the Terms of Use, Article 14, Item 28, No. 4, and which are deemed by pixiv to be in possible violation of laws, ordinances, public order and decency, and pixiv's Terms of Use.
In particular, they include items that are not live-action or highly realistic, but whose content or accompanying data (titles, tags, post captions, or other item descriptions) have been deemed to require revision.
*These are just examples, and may be subject to change in the future.
Items requiring revision will be judged holistically based on work content and accompanying data.
- Accompanying data (examples)
- Titles
- Tags
- Post captions
- Other descriptions
Work content (examples)
- Sexual exploitation or sexual abuse of a minor (*1)
- Incest
- Bestiality
- Rape (or any other non-consensual sexual behavior)
- Non-consensual mutilation of a person or body part
- Any other content deemed inappropriate by pixiv
Scope of applicable items and content
- Specified transactions (Requests)
- Items exchanged in financial transactions
- Content (profiles, icons, cover images, sets of terms, etc.) displayed to solicit or promote transactions on an account used for transactions.
Handling of violations
If we discover such items or content on our services, we may take the following actions.
Request temporarily set to private. Please revise your request.
- If the revision causes the item to no longer be in violation of regulations, you can re-send it.
- If the revision causes the item to no longer be in violation of regulations, you can re-send it.
Temporarily setting the items to Private, and requesting revision.
- If the revision causes the item to no longer be in violation of regulations, you can re-post it.
Users who post large volumes of items that clearly require revision, or repeatedly ignore requests for revision, and who pixiv deems to be deliberately malicious, may be subject to the following actions.
- Items deleted or set permanently to Private
- Account suspension
- Prohibition or limitation on the use of specified transactions
*1 "Minor" is defined based on the definition set forth in the Act on Regulation and Punishment of Acts Relating to Child Prostitution and Child Pornography, and the Protection of Children
*The content of this article, as well as the standards and actions regarding "Prohibited Items" and "Items Requiring Revision" apply from Thursday, December 15th, 2022, based on the updated Terms of Use, which goes into effect on that date.