Favorite tags are a feature that has some tags of your choice always displaying in your search screen.
You can register up to 10 tags.
▶On desktop
▶On mobile
▶This feature is not available on the App
On desktop version
How to add your favorite tags
First, search for the tag you want to add to your favorites.
""Add to your favorites"" will display on the top-right part of the screen. Click on it to add the tag to your favorites.
How to edit your favorite tags
Click on the search bar to display your favorite tags, then click on ""Edit"" to open the editor.
Furthermore, when you search one of your favorite tags, a button saying ""Edit your favorite tags"" will display on the top-right part of the screen. Click on it to open the editor.
On mobile version
How to add your favorite tags
Tap on ""+ Add a tag"" on the search screen.
The editor for favorite tags will open, add the tag you want to add.
How to edit your favorite tags
From the search screen, tap on ""Favorite Tags Settings"" for the editor to open.
You can remove or add your favorite tags.